Our areas of focus

Positive Parenting

This area enhances parents' skills and confidence in raising young people, promoting family-based practices and preventing Gender Based Violence.

HIV/AIDs Awareness

This focus area aims at creating programs and projects that increase awareness and sensitization around the various HIV prevention strategies.

Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights

This focus area addresses the issues of sexual & reproductive health amongst the youth and caregivers.

Youth Economic Empowerment

This thematic area promotes business and entrepreneurship training, mentorship and coaching and enables the youth and caregivers to be job creators.

Environmental Protection and Conservation

This thematic area focuses on sustainable natural resource management and environmental conservation like sustainable agriculture, land use etc.

Why we care


Of Uganda’s population are young people aged 24 years & below

1 +

Children in Uganda drop out of school every year on grounds of household poverty.


Teenage pregnancies were registered in Uganda in 2020


Young people between 15 and 24 years are infected with HIV in Uganda annually


1 +

Children supported to access basic needs at household level

1 +

Young people reached with youth friendly / SRHR information

1 +

Caregivers’ economic situation improved with emphasis on green income generation interventions.


Peer educators so far trained

1 +

Girls and Women equipped with Digital Skills


VSLAs formed


Green groups formed

How you can help Donate to empower young people and vulnerable caregivers

Our Board

Our Staff

Get in touch

Get in touch with us

Our head office address:

Nkumba, Entebbe, Wakiso (U)

Call for help:

+256 702 986635
+256 704 272607
+256 789 347771

Mail us for information


    Our Partners

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)