Digital Women & Girls

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Digital Skills for Women and Girls Project

Digital Skills for Women and Girls (DSWG) was initiated to advocate for the rights of the most vulnerable in our communities. By equipping them with essential Digital skills and tools, we hope to contribute to their empowerment and participation in building a more inclusive society.

Relevance of GHI Digital Skills program for women and girls:

  • Provide digital empowerment training for women and girls in business with structured programs to use ICT to help receive mentoring and access resources needed for success. With women and girls equipped with digital skills, they (women and girls) will be enabled to thrive in economies where routine work has been automated and digital skills are prized
  • Provide digital skills to increase employment and income-generating potential among women and girls as well as guide on developing socially responsible digital start-ups, social innovations and build leadership and entrepreneurial skills to drive change and innovation i.e., work readiness skills i.e., resume /CV writing, use of emails, online marketing and content creation, videography among others.
  • Scale up access to a broad variety of relevant online content, learning, information or knowledge content for civic participation and to allow young women and girls to maximize the opportunities accorded by ICT technologies.
  • Establish a platform for knowledge sharing where young women and girls can interact with and learn from each other and engage with other women groups from around the world through technology facilitated means e.g. documentaries, and online video calls;
  • Support the efficient access to and use of computer packages like MS office packages i.e., Excel, Word, Adobe Illustrator for Graphics, PowerPoint, and outdoor signage.
  • Using tablets to train women and girls in basic usage of smart phone and social media platforms i.e., tik tok, Instagram, facebook. This would enable women and girls lead change on issues that affect them. The tablets shall also support in data collection.
  • Create and promote a publicly available database of female experts, role models, professionals, entrepreneurs and innovators on the local website to ensure more women are recognized for their achievements and to break down social norms about women and girls in Science and Technology.
  • Mitigate online Gender based Violence (GBV) and offline through women leader training capacity building and working with partners to develop relevant applications and services with the collective input of the young women and girls in our community.

In conclusion, women and men have equal opportunities to participate in and contribute to an inclusive and rights-based digital economy. The focus is on women becoming economically empowered through increased access to and better use of digital technologies. Women and girls are empowered to claim their digital rights.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)